2017년 4월 21일 금요일

# Korea should devote 0.7% of our gross national income (GNI) to poorer nations.

# Korea should devote 0.7% of our gross national income (GNI) to poorer nations.


1. The UN recommend that OECD membership to support poor countries by 0.7% of their GNI. Recently the ratio of international aid to GNI is growing in Korea. However Korea's Official Development Assistance (ODA) is currently 0.14 percent of the GNI. It is much lower than the average ODA of other wealthy nations. Critics have said Korea’s commitment to helping nations overseas was poor among the member countries of  OECD.  Also There were fears that Korea’s international reputation would have been damaged had the government not raised the projected contribution.That why I think we should bring it up to the level of the UN's recommendation.

2. After the Korean War, South Korea became an independent country. but Only 50 years ago, Korea was one of the poorest countries in the world. South Korea had gotten a lot of helps from other wealthy countries such as England, the USA and so on. After 50 years, now South Korea is helping other poor countries with other wealthy countries and become one of the greatest markets of technical items for other wealthy countries. Without help from wealthy countries, South Korea could not develop. It’s about time that Korea, which has been a beneficiary of foreign aid, helped other countries in need.

3. Famine in Africa has been a serious problem  for a long time. Poorer countries still struggle on economy and some governments of poor countries cannot satisfy even fundamental needs of people in their countries. The people who were born in poor countries have human rights, but they live without any quality of life because they wear born in poor countries. As a view of the human right, their rights should be protected by helps from some countries which are already developed. The Korean economy has made unbelievable progress during the last 30 years and Korea entered the line of developed nations. Therefore I think Korea should devote our wealth to poor nations through more active participation.

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